
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Julie Jacobson hate mail

re: Julie Jacobson/AP -- clearly a very emotional issue. This is one of several emails I have received. My sympathies to the families.
Ms. Jacobson:

After reading the news article regarding Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard’s tragic death in Afghanistan and your refusal to respect his Father’s wishes of not publishing photos of his dying son’s final moments, I am appalled. I am appalled by you, people like you and the group you represent. You are a self-serving, self-centered, ignorant and disgusting human being and have absolutely no business calling yourself an American. Lance Corporal Bernard is a great American hero who, like millions before him have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms so people like you and your colleagues can manipulate those freedoms and take them for granted. You, in an effort to self-promote yourself, disrespected Joshua and his family wishes. You should be ashamed of yourself. I sincerely hope that the Bernard’s either sue you in to bankruptcy or the collective public refuses to watch any news agency or other medium that publishes any photo of yours.

I will also be sharing this email and your email address with all of my Republican friends who I have no doubt will have a few words for you as well.


Dale _________

PS You may want to look in to getting a new email address!! May you rot in hell!!

1 comment:

39 Cent Stamp said...

I just know he has a gun card and thinks that only some African Americans warrant the N word. Not Michael Jordan though, hes a good one.