
Monday, February 15, 2010

Oops, David Richards plagiarizes on iPad

Looks like our Australian friend David Richards has forgotten again to credit CE Pro for our fine interview with Jim Carroll, CEO of Savant.

He writes (directly from our story):
In the US, Savant CEO Jim Carroll said, "When we look back on this two years from now, we're going to say this was a watershed event, not just for Savant but for the industry in general,"

"The days of making margins on expensive touch panels are winding down," according to Carroll. He says consumers will see the iPad as having "the same or similar touch hardware" to other control offerings. 
The grammatical error, as usual, was all his!

My favorite error in this particular story is David's subtitle:

The new Apple touchscreen iPad could have a devastating effect on the automation industry, say industry experts, with the device used to replace custom display screens and remote controls like the Philips Pronto and the RCI remote.
RCI remote? Perhaps he meant RTI?

Read the original story on Savant: iPad Will Redefine Home Automation

Click for more David Richards gems. 

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