Meanwhile, we want to perpetuate a dying industry by artificially increasing the demand for its products.
As a consumer, I'd rather our cities do their darndest to get the best pricing -- to make our heightening tax dollars go farther.
From Twin Cities Daily Planet:
Buy American resolutions pass Ramsey County, St. Paul City CouncilThe St. Paul City Council and the Ramsey County Board have passed labor-backed resolutions calling for use of American-manufactured steel in public-works projects funded by economic stimulus dollars. Similar resolutions are in the works in Minneapolis and Hennepin County.
Buy-American resolutions on the local level, according to Dave Hallas, recording secretary of United Steelworkers Local 7263, reinforce similar provisions written into the stimulus package passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in February. ...
The resolutions, which passed unanimously in both Ramsey County and St. Paul, ensure projects receiving “any stimulus dollars will use American manufacturing and Americans to do the services.”...
To use foreign-sourced steel on a stimulus project, Hallas said, local governments will need a waiver – and proof that buying American would increase their costs more than 25 percent. Language in the St. Paul resolution commits council members to publishing such waiver requests, giving companies and workers an opportunity “to step in and find an American company,” Hallas said. ...
Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt said she authored the resolution at the Ramsey County Board because “in the difficult economic times we’re having right now, I felt it was important to raise awareness of wherever and whenever possible buying American and, specifically, buying Minnesotan or from Ramsey County.” ...
“Everybody supported it right away,” Reinhardt said. “I’ve had a lot of comments from people saying it makes sense. Whether you’re in business here in Ramsey County or you’re employed here, if your property taxes can come right back into our economy, it’s good for everybody.
“Central Corridor is almost a billion-dollar project. Just think what that would mean to the economy here.” ...
Um, perhaps higher taxes? Perhaps tricking an industry into believing it is viable?
The only way they will find a less expensive American steel supplier is if the government somehow subsidizes it which translates to more tax dollars being spent i meant.
You can't compete with 3rd world countries who are not interested in environmental and safety concerns. I suggest the tiny steel towns start investing in a reeducation plan that can transform the out of work generations of steel workers into engineers & technicians in another industry. Maybe green building and energy? All the wishing and creative paper work in the world wont rewind the clock. Move forward or get passed up.
BTW.. i love American Bologna! Want chicken? Pork? Beef?
Why not have them all in a nice big friend b'loney samich!
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