
Thursday, August 6, 2009

What do boobs and enemas have to do with RadioShack?


Today begins the big re-launch of RadioShack. The stale old corporate name will become The Shack.

To promote the new moniker, RadioShack is holding events in San Francisco and New York today through Aug. 8.

And then there's the Web site You'd think the site would impart interesting information about the new concept for the old corner store.

Instead, however, the site is streaming live audio and video from The Shack events on both coasts.

No, it's not a discussion about electronics or RadioShack or anything interesting. It's a radio show (of all things) hosted by some obnoxious, vulgar personalities that would put Howard Stern to shame.

I listened for about 10 minutes, of which 90 percent of the discussion had to do with female body parts. The rest was mostly about the sexual escapades of the female shock jock. Oh, and there was a riff on enemas, including an interview with a passerby about coffee enemas.

"Give that man a RadioShack gift card," one of the hosts said.

So this is how RadioShack is reinventing itself? I'm no prude, but I wouldn't be too happy about this if I were a RadioShack share holder.

UPDATE: The radio show is Alice 97.3 in San Francisco. I caught the "Sarah and Vinnie Show."


39 Cent Stamp said...

When i listen to talk radio i want to hear information, not a bunch of 5th graders making pee-pee jokes. I will never understand how this sort of radio became popular and i cant wait for it to go completely away, forever. Cant believe Radio Shack or "The Shack" signed up for this.

As far as changing the name... I feel like i have died and gone to heaven when i spot a radio shack sign. I work out of town 50% of the time and i dont always have access to local distributors. Radio Shack is a crutch i am not willing to let go of.

Not sure what their thinking is here. "lets get rid of the logo that we have had for decades, name recognition is not important" ?

If they want to get back in the game they need to figure out a way to cut costs so they can compete online. When the remaining Big Box stores begin to fail they can hold on to their "little box" market.

I think radio shack could be a major CE products player again. They already carry a large Universal Remote selection. They should think about bringing in URC or putting together a radioshack branded equivalent.

Julie Jacobson said...

I have to believe the folks at RadioShack didn't really know what they were getting themselves into.

Ironic the name change since radio is enjoying a resurgence and talk radio kicked off the re-launch.