
Thursday, July 9, 2009

The official EHX dunking thread

We've already got a poll going -- see it at the top of the right-hand sidebar.

If we had a dunking booth at EHX, who would you pay (for charity of course) to dunk?

Feel free to add your write-in candidates in the comments below.


Julie Jacobson said...

Shoot, I should have included Noel Lee. Feel free to write him in.

Anonymous said...

Phil Schoonover
Nancy Pelosi

that marketing manager that came up with the FireDog name

Julie Jacobson said...

I second Pelosi

Unknown said...

Gary Shapiro, Noel Lee, Dean Miller, Joe Picirilli, Peter Tribeman, Mark Sipe, Dave Workman

Julie Jacobson said...

Yes, I thought about Noel and Gary too late!

I should also have included my colleague Jason Knott. That would have been a good contest and I know for a fact that he looks good in a wet t-shirt.

Oh, yes, here's another one: Kathy Gornik! She would definitely beat me in the running.

Anonymous said...

The guy who came up with HDMI..