
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Overheard This Week: 'I am Truly Blessed'

Kershaw in fine form.

"I am TRULY BLESSED and Deeply Touched by the amazing level of support shown by all of you, as well as that from our dealer base, and from all of our Industry Friends."
-- Jim Kershaw, industry rep and friend, on his recuperation from successful cancer surgery

Really good news! I knew the Tequila would work."
-- Michael Benedetto of Salamander Designs, on Jim's speedy recovery.

"Don't make stupid mistakes."
-- Rich Green of integration company Rich Green Ink, on CEDIA Crosspoint blog, "Your Business is in Jeopardy" (CEDIA members only)

"There has been, to say the least, confusion."
-- HDMI's Jeff Park on HDMI-CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) protocol, during CEA's Industry Forum

"Most dire situation we've seen"
-- CEA economist Sean DuBravac on the prospects for CE sales this holiday, during CEA's Industry Forum

"I need to change my stickers to CNBC, BLOOMBERG, and CSPAN now and I can’t find the extras."
-- Integrator Kevin Mikelonis, commenting on about a $5 Philips remote on Woot with sticker-labels for favorite channels

"why do cable boxes suck so much!??!?!"
Posting by motech on

"I play by the rules and I have to help those that don’t, come on now that’s B.S. in any country."
-- burtont62 responding to CE Pro Community post, "Obama or Mcain?"

"Nobody is as smart as everybody. ... All amateurs are better than any given pro."
-- Wired magazine co-founder Kevin Kelly, urging vendors to let the community contribute to product development, during CEA's Industry Forum

"We will continue to deliver more of our content digitally, using our assets across multiple distribution platforms and adding more a la carte offerings."
-- Playboy CEO Christie Hefner, on abandoning the DVD format

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