
Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm Julie Jacobson.

Julie Paulson is my legal name. I thought it would be sentimental to change my name when I married Duane Paulson in 2000 -- my apologies to all you bra burners -- but really the name change is a pain.

I digress.

My real job is with EH Publishing, which I co-founded in 1994 with CEO Ken Moyes. He did the heavy lifting so I really don't deserve the "co-founder" moniker, but what the heck. Ken's a great guy. If you don't know him, you should.

EH is a media company that historically has focused on home technology, but we have strayed into some other areas such as pro audio and robotics. Still, our hallmark is home technology, and that's where I personally spend my time.

Specifically, the bulk of my effort goes into CE Pro (The CE stands for Custom Electronics), the leading magazine for people who install home theaters, home automation and other technologies for the home.

When you hear "leading" in press releases, you never really believe it, but CE Pro truly is the leader in the niche, with 50,000 trade subscribers and a pretty enthusiastic following.

The namesake of EH Publishing, though, is Electronic House magazine (for consumers), which was launched in 1986. Ken bought it for almost nothing when it was a pathetic little black-and-white pamphlet-looking thing. He liked the brand and thought we could use it in our previous company -- a security equipment distributor called Arius.

Now, Electronic House is pretty darn good.

Lisa Montgomery, the original editor of Electronic House, is still with EH and is absolutely as good as they come. She was just a kid when Ken and I inserted ourselves into the EH business and she taught me everything I know about journalism. I never took journalism courses before and knew nothing about technology. Lisa is a very patient person.

Before EH, I worked at the aforementioned Arius in marketing, and helped launch a home automation division there called Home Systems Plus.

Before that ... odd jobs and academics.

Here are some bio nuggets:
  • Married Duane Paulson Oct. 14, 2000 and inherited two awesome stepkids - Nick (now 22) and Maggie (19). They're all much better than I deserve. Nick will be graduating from Univ. of Minn. shortly, with a major in biochem. The guy is SMART. Contact me with any job leads.
  • MBA from University of Texas at Austin, 1990
  • BA in economics from University of Michigan/Ann Arbor, 1987
  • Grew up in San Antonio, Texas. My family all lives in Texas ... except for me.
  • I live in Stillwater, Minn., just NE of the Twin Cities
  • We live in a 1950 mid-century modern home in Stillwater with a view of the St. Croix River and Wisconsin on the other side. I love that architectural style.
  • Besides trade publications, Duane and I subscribe to: The Week, Economist, Dwell
  • I used to play serious Ultimate Frisbee with a team in Boston called Lady Godiva. When I played, we won about 5 national championships and one world championship (beating China in the finals). I was not one of the strongest players on the team, but who cares?
  • I was on the Wheel of Fortune. I won the bonus round.
  • I am a big fan of free enterprise and my favorite modern-day economist is Don Boudreaux from George Mason University
  • Favorite books: Fountainhead (Ayn Rand), The Stranger (Camus), The Trial (Kafka)
  • First "real" job: Chuck E. Cheese
  • I'm the luckiest girl in the world -- great family, great job, great support ... lucky lucky me

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